Hello my name will remain unknown thought out this blog experience I am embarking. I consider myself to be a very reserved person and have always been very self conscious about putting anything on the internet. Why??? well honestly I don't know why, maybe It has to do have never really sprung the courage to put my self out there for others to judge, comment or discuss about my ideas likes and beliefs. I just feel more comfortable sharing information with you guys this way.
How i stumbled across the Blogging World; This summer i went to montreal which by the way is an awesome place i recommend all of you to go. Which thanks to hurricane irene i was stuck in montreal a week more than i had planed, and the worst part about that was that i didn't get a chance to register for my classes before i left for summer. Soooo i ended up arriving at my university 1 day before the last day of add drop.( which is the last day possible to pick your classes before your really out of luck) I walked into my advisers office with puppy eyes expecting him to hook me up with some sort of miracle schedule. Little did i know i was behind on certain credits that i was suppose to take in my previous two years in school which gave me very little lee way to choose my classes and on top of that most of the classes were over capacity as it was. I sat in my advisors office while he printed out my schedule which ended up being horrible it has huge gaps between my classes so it feels like I'm literally studying all day.
Which leads me to why I am posting this for you today, one of the classes i was put in happened to be called The Blogosphere Identity i didn't give it much thought i figured baahhhh another dialogue class ( At my university dialogue class's a different approach to teaching subjects like english 101 that would be offered at larger school's, in other words a class i have to take to graduate with nothing to do with my major) what ever ill just go all the work get over it with an A or a B. Little did i know i was going to need to create a blog a.k.a. my worst fear.
So after much thought i came up with what i think is a great topic that suits me, and hopefully be interesting for you guys in cyberspace :)
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